The Secret Place Encounter
The Lord dealt with me for some time about ENCOUNTERS! I gather people in my home once a week on Saturday’s to have what God calls ENCOUNTERS! He said, “I am tired of My people having meetings and conferences and yet when they leave, they are none the better...there is no eternal change and no power within to do the things I have called, yes, even purposed for them to do...before they were...I purposed!” So the Lord said to me, “I want you to teach My people how to enter into My Secret Place...the Secret Place of My Presence...and in THIS PLACE is where there WILL BE and ENCOUNTER...as Isaiah had, as Moses had...and encounter with Me and they were changed!”
“I want My people to know there’s a price for entering My Secret Place...but the Presence, Power and Purpose they will attain from Me will be worth any price they will pay...and in My Presence they will have an encounter with My Glory, with My very Presence, to be empowered to do all I have called them to do...to rest and abide in My finish work...for it’s only when they cease from their labor and begin to rest and abide in Me can they then begin to move in Me...only when they see what Heaven is declaring...can they also declare...as it is in Heaven, let it also be here on earth...and in Me will I perform mighty acts and feats as never seen before...but they must come to My Secret Place!”
The Lord has showed me eleven keys to His Secret Place—there are chambers and prophetically, eleven means FINISH or THE END! So this is one of the journeys the Lord has called me to...all ENCOUNTER teachings are recorded so those who come may use them as a teaching and instructing tools along with the Word of God...to encourage themselves deeper into God! We have seen the power of God move in mighty ways...my prayer and heart is for us all to get to the place where even though we’re all called...not all are CHOSEN to come and abide in the Secret Place of His Presence...and may we choose His Path, Purpose and Power...to sacrifice whatever the cost...to find our way to His Secret Place...and there rest in Him!
In Him,