A Word from the Lord, to His people, 10/09/08

The Lord is showing me a vision—a vision of walking skeletons, with very little sinew or flesh on them and they are wondering aimless through this desert, the sun is hot and scorched and they are crying out, weeping—and I look to the Lord and ask, “What is this Lord, what is this horrible and pitiful sight, that brings me to tears?!” The Lord responds, “This is the present state of My Church, for they are underfed, undernourished and they wander aimless around—searching for everything, BUT ME!”

I say to the Lord, “Why are they underfed, why are they undernourished, why, Lord, why?” The Lord says, “because they refuse to eat of Me, they refuse to drink of My Living Water, from My well, the well which never runs dry—did I not say if you were hungry, to come and if you were thirsty to come—to come to Me! But they look to every other source, BUT ME—and those whom I have put in leadership and those whom have put their own selves in leadership—refuse to feed them the Living Word, the Word of Truth and they have watered it down with lies, deception and religion—so when storms come, My people cannot stand, cannot survive the harshness of the elements—did I not say, My People perish for lack of Vision, I must be their Vision and in Me, I will show them all they need to know, to receive, In Me!”

“Times are upon My people now and they are scrambling, worrying, and weeping and Lynn, some are even contemplating suicide, because of the storms of Life—but if they had heard and read My Word, I told them, there would be trials and tribulations, but in Me, not in anything else, but in Me, they would overcome, they would be the OVERCOMMERS—in Me—but My heart weeps daughter, because they run after everything else and everyone else, but Me—will the rocks cry out in their stead daughter, will the rocks cry out for those who refuse to cry out to me, to rejoice in Me—where are My sons and daughters who truly have the Fathers heart, where are they, where are the righteous in which I may show Myself strong and mighty, where are they daughter, where are the daughters of Zion—who will sound the trumpet, who will blow the horn, who will become My Shofar, in which I can pour My oil in, My anointing in!?”

“The days are at hand now, when many will fall away, simply because they refuse to seek Me, they refuse to KNOW ME—can faith be starved daughter, yes, man’s faith can be starved until it is no longer faith, but a residue of what it was meant to be, when faith is not fed—I have people who call Me Savior—but have never made Me Lord—and they seek not My face, but they seek man’s face—am I not the God of love and compassion, Am I not the one who came and bled and died for their sins, where are My sons and daughters, where are the righteous to cry out, so I may deliver them out of all their troubles—where are My Chosen Ones, My special jewels—for the days of trouble are at hand—and they will cry out to Me and I will not hear, they will seek others to come to Me and I will not hear—as in the days of old, because they have made man and the world their god and have forsaken the one and only true Living God—I AM, THAT I AM, I AM!”

I will hear daughter and I will respond, when they themselves come to Me, when their hearts are torn and they have humbled themselves before Me and with a repentance heart, repent for seeking, chasing and bowing down to other gods—but I AM, THAT I AM! Hear this daughter and tell it well, for the days of evil are at hand, but ONLY for those who said they knew Me, but never obeyed Me, nor choose to sup with Me—but for those who do truly know Me, and have chosen to sup with Me and even partake of My bitter cup—I have already covered them and as in the days of old when the death angel passed by—so will this storm pass over My Chosen Ones and they shall not be moved, for I have already sent My Peace—they shall lack no good thing—for I have already sent ahead My Provision—but for those evil ones who have refused and yes daughter chosen not to seek Me, to seek My face—it will devastate them—and not even your prayers daughter, for you know how special you are to the Father and to Me—but as in the days of Moses, and Elijah, when sin was running rampant, idolatry was running rampant and whoremongers were as normal—and righteousness and holiness was something of the past—and until I become One in My people’s hearts again, I will allow the storm of the enemy to bring My people to their knees where they themselves will cry out to Me—and walk away from the idols, the gods they erected in their hearts and turn completely away from sin and pursue Me—My righteousness and My Holiness! Watch daughter, for the days of evil are at hand and darkness is approaching those who are far away from Me, but for those who are near and even close, I have hidden them in My Mighty Wings and no evil shall befall them, FOR THEY ARE MINES AND I AM THEIRS AND I HAVE COVERED THEM WITH ALL OF MY GOODNESS! Saith the Lord of Host!