Bridge Of Hope - Bridge Of His Glory
The Lord wanted me to share this with those who will read this—something He has taught us and our prayer is that what He showed us to will also grab hold of and walk in:
Several years ago, while facing so many attacks, so many trials and so many THINGS all at the same time! Standing at our front door, the Lord spoke to my spirit and said, "Lynn, what do you see? I do not understand Lord. Lynn, what do you see when you look out your front door; I said the neighbors yard. Lynn, do you see their driveway? I said, yes Lord, I see their drive way. Lynn, do you see your driveway? Yes Lord, I see our driveway. What else do you see Lynn? Uhhh, that's it Lord. Lynn, I want you to see the BRIDGE that is there. But more importantly, I want you two to stand on that BRIDGE and I will teach you two not only how to stand, but how to walk back and forth across that BRIDGE and My love for you two, will support you not only standing on the BRIDGE, but also walking back and forward across the BRIDGE—as you two brings others through!
"Lord, there is NO BRIDGE, so how can we stand, let alone walk, when there is NO BRIDGE! Lynn, by FAITH you must see the BRIDGE and by faith, you must stand on the BRIDGE and by faith, you must walk across the BRIDGE! I knew then the Lord was teaching and imparting some golden wisdoms and I began to shift my focus and began to see in the spirit and by the Spirit. And as I did, the Lord begin to talk to me about THE BRIDGE OF HOPE!
The BRIDGE is our faith, and the Love of God is the support beams, that keeps the BRIDGE stable...the BRIDGE is the means of traveling back and forth to claim and lay hold of not only God's promises, but those things stolen from us, even going back generations. The BRIDGE is made out of wood, hence our humanity, but Christ was fully man, yet fully God, so the BRIDGE is our HOPE in Him, what He did on the Cross for us, for you...the WAY He already made and paid the price for, and all we have to do, you have to do, is walk in His way, in His humanity, and His Lordship!
Why did the Lord tell us to first STAND on the BRIDGE...because, first we have to know how to stand as He stood and then learn how to stand in His authority and knowing we have all of His authority as we stand in Him and secondly as we stood, He showed us not just what we knew was for us...but He showed us those things WE NEVER KNEW WERE FOR US, THAT OUR FAMILY MEMBERS LOST, GOING BACK TO THE BEGINNING OF TIME AFTER ADAM FAIL! And before you can cross, you have to know what you're going to get...and as I stood on this BRIDGE OF HOPE, I stood knowing that even though no one else could see it, I knew it was there, because God said it was and He opened up our eyes to see it and in our hearts, we just was!
As we stood on the BRIDGE OF HOPE, the Lord gave us His strategic plan, and He told us which things we would CROSS OVER TO THE ENEMIES CAMP AND TAKE BACK! And as we stood on our BRIDGE OF HOPE, we knew that even though others said to quit, give up, we’re wasting our time, we knew we were standing on the one thing which could never fail us...CHRIST, our hope of glory, our strong tower, so we stood, we surveyed, and we listened and when He said NOW, moved, trusting in His Love to carry, to support us to and from! We never went on our own, or our own plan, but we go when the Lord says, NOW! And as we walk across this BRIDGE OF HOPE...He gives us an escort, warring angels on each side to escort us across the BRIDGE OF HOPE into the enemies camp and we lay hold of everything the Lord says, now is the season to take possession of this, of that and we bring it back across and they begin to manifest itself in the natural realm!
What is God saying through us? There are things in the enemies camp that have been sitting there belonging to your generation for years, hundreds of years, and if you in this time, in this generation do not lay hold of them, will they have to stay there for another generation? There are things, present day things the enemy has stolen from you, God is not going to bring them to you, no more than the Children of Israel, He told them the land is yours, but your enemies are there, get rid of them and I will show you how...I will give you the plan, the strategic plan and you have to see the bridge, the way, that I have made for you and then go in and possess, take FULL possession of what I have ALREADY given and provided for you...and I will be with you, I will go before you, but YOU HAVE TO GO AS WELL!
God has not changed, what we have, what you have hoped for, longed for is on the other side, it’s in the enemies camp, you need to see the BRIDGE, THE BRIDGE OF HOPE and know the Love of God will support you, but your faith will and can carry you across as many times it takes until you have ALL God has promised you! You have to know your faith is not in anyone else by Jesus, who was all man and all God and if He did, if He said you can do it, have it, possess it, then nothing else matters...You have to stand on your BRIDGE OF HOPE and seek the council of God, get his strategic plan on what He is wanting you to take possession of, because timing is everything in the Kingdom of God...and when He says GO AND POSSES THE have to go—and it is THEM, not you who are the grasshoppers and you and your God are the GIANTS!
And you have to know when you go in the Spirit of the Lord, the wisdom and council of the Lord, the might and strength of the will not go along, for as Elisha said, there are more for or with us, than those against us...God will never send you into the enemies camp alone, for He sends huge warring angels, 20-30 plus feet tall, who are fully armored and more than ready for battle, for we have seen them and we have seen them walk with us as we took possessions of those things which the Lord has given us....we have seen them do battle for us.
We are always on our BRIDGE OF HOPE...surveying the things we still have not possessed yet and we’re listening to the Voice of the Lord and when He says, NOW, is the time to walk across and get this, I know His angels are already there, so by faith, we begin to walk over to the other side, using His plan, His way and then we take up by faith, the things He said, is NOW time to be released to us and by faith, we carry them back to the other side, and then it begins to manifest in the physical realm. This is our BRIDGE OF HOPE, we all have one, if but by faith we would open up our eyes and ears to hear the Spirit of the Lord show us our own BRIDGE OF that you too may take possession of those things stolen and robbed from you and yours!
The Lord said, YES, I LIKE THAT, BUT I WANT TO HIT THEM FROM A NEW, RHEMA DIRECTION! When Moses stood at the Burning bush and the Lord told him to go back to Egypt and bring His people out...Moses said, okay, who should I say is sending me? The Lord said, tell them I AM sent you, or I AM THAT I AM (Exodus 3:14)...another version says, I AM WHO I AM, WHAT I AM, I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE...what God was saying to them, to us, I AM ALL SUFFICIENT IN AND OF MY SELF, I DO NOT NEED YOU TO DEFINE ME, OR PUT LIMITS ON ME, PUT ME IN A BOX, I AM NOT WONDERING WHAT OR WHO I AM OR WHAT I AM CAPABLE OF DOING, THERE ARE NO LIMITS, I'M NOT JUST THIS OR THAT, I AM WHO I AM!
Now, here is where He says, He wants to blow our minds, IN THE BEGINNING GOD MADE MAN IN HIS LIKNESS, IN HIS therefore, if He did and we are...then God is saying just as I cannot be defined or limited by man or the world, NEITHER CAN WE BE, WHEN WE FIND OUR IDENTITIES IN HIM...WE THEN REALIZE WE ARE NOT LIMITED BY OUR AGE, SEX, COLOR, EDUCATION, FINACIAL STATUS, BY ANYTHING, WHY, BECAUSE IF I AM IN HIM AND HE IS IN ME, THAN ALL THAT HE IS, I AM, I AM CAPABLE OF DOING...doing what...WHAT I AM IS CAPABLE OF DOING! Whew, I hope you caught that in the Spirit, because He is saying when someone says, you cannot be debt free...when I AM IS CAPABLE OF DOING....doing whatever I AM WANTS, so if I AM CAN, I CAN, YOU CAN, WE CAN, when we grab hold of the TRUTH that I AM IS IN ME, IN YOU, SO THAT MEANS, THE HEAVENS AND BEYOND CANNOT CONTAIN HIM, THUS CANNOT CONTAIN WHAT I AM CAPABLE OF DOING, BECAUSE HE IS IN ME!
***The above was written at another level of understanding, another level in God—but since that time, God has taken us into NEW REALMS in Him—where we have had to walk THROUGH LO-DEBAR—and the Lord has poured more of His Glory in us and on us—We say, we go from Realm to Realm and from Glory to Glory—the truth is, that as we go to new heights or depths in God, it QUALIFIES us for His Glory to either and or be poured in us and covered in His Glory—the things in this world we must walk through—whether it is Lo-debar or Samaria or the wilderness—by faith, you have to see, not just the Bridge of Hope—but the Bridge of His Glory—for you have to know that you know that you are walking in and on and through His Glory and whatever is going on around you, in you and in the atmosphere—IS GOD DIRECTED AND GOD ORCHASTRATED—because you are walking on the Bridge of His Glory—and His Glory GURANTEES YOU WILL GET TO THE OTHERSIDE—for you are walking on His Glory Bridge, it is not you or anyone else carrying you as the poem states in, “Footprints in the Sand”—but it is His Glory which is carrying you to the other-side, deeper into your destiny—yes, He called and yes even commanded you ‘Peter’ out of the boat, for Glory calls to Glory or the Deep calls to the Deep—and He is calling you away from the boat, away from even being able to see the boat, and though it may be scary and may not be able to see or even feel Him as you once did—but know this child of God—regardless of what it looks like, feels like, sounds like or what Satan says—YOU ARE ON HIS GLORY BRIDGE, you cannot fail, sink or disappoint Him! The Lord said to us a few days ago while we were seeking Him, He said, Lynn, Joseph, what color is the sun? I thought, Joseph thought and we said yellow—the Lord said, I AM, I AM AWESOME, I AM POWERFUL and if I command the sun to change to green—it has no choice but to obey, to change—and I am raising up Ram’s Horns, Glory Carriers, who like before the Fall of Adam, will be My Glory Carriers—whom I can pour My Glory in and when those Glory Carriers, call a thing a thing and command ANYTHING TO CHANGE, IT HAS TO OBEY, BECAUSE IT IS AS IF I AM HAS SPOKEN AND I HAVE AND DID THROUGH MY GLORY CARRIERS!***