Use the Add to Cart buttons to purchase full length audio sermons from Fire Walkers Ministry . The sermons are on compact disc & will be shipped to the address you provide. You can hear portions of some of these sermons on the Secret Place Encounters page.
Bridge Of Hope - Bridge Of His Glory
"The Bridge of Hope - the Bridge of His Glory - …IS GOD DIRECTED AND GOD ORCHASTRATED - because you’re walking on the Bridge of His Glory - and His Glory GUARANTEES YOU WILL GET TO THE OTHERSIDE!"
The Secret Place Pre-Requisite, Parts 1 & 2
"Jesus said to him, No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back [to the things behind] is fit for the kingdom of God."
Key 1: The Disciple and His Master
"In short, we have to follow the same route Jesus not only followed, but also laid down for us — we cannot create or make a NEW road and expect to get to where Jesus got and IS!"
Key 2: Perfect As His Master
"There will always be storms in and around our lives — but we’re not called to focus on the storms — or to move out of our position from the Secret Place."
Key 3: Be Perfect as Your Father in Heaven Is
"When the Apostle Paul speaks of perfection, he is referring to the perfection of the heart, of the spirit."
Key 4: Christ Is Our Example
"By no other person should we follow — not our parents, pastors, spiritual parents — not even prophets — but our only example should be the Lord’s — and His written and Holy inspired Word of God! For only by Christ's example — the example He left are we guaranteed for God success!"
Key 5: Self-Denial
"You’re listening to this, because GOD IS COMMANDING — for you and I to 'come after him.' Then YOU MUST DENY SELF!"
Key 6: The Cross
"God is not going to force us to pick it (our cross) up — but we’ll have to answer for our decision or our choice not to."
Key 7: I Must Decrease, So the Spirit of Pride Does not Increase
"We must be made to realize our utter dependence IS upon God, and how little our own efforts are worth."
Key 8: He Must Increase
"The closer you come to that which you're seeking — the less importance you should become — in contrast to what you are seeking after of."
Key 9: Idle Words and Foolish Talking
"We may choose and again, I say WE MAY CHOOSE to allow any and everything out of our mouths — but we’ll eventually have to give an account for those words."
Key 10: Present Your Body
"God never makes it a habit to use things or people WHO DO NOT BELONG TO HIM. He uses those which are yielded in and to Him."
Key 11: A Partaker of His Divine Nature
"Who’s nature — God’s nature — who’s character — Christ! We should have the nature of God — and the character of Christ."
Personal Issues and Your Pet Sins, Parts 1 & 2
"Most people have pet sins in which they’ve pampered and sheltered as well as OVER-DEVELOPED for years."
And the Two Shall Become One Flesh
"Let me state something the Holy Ghost wants to make clear —y our first call is a call into the FIRE, THE REFINER’S FIRE — to die to self!"
Soaking God's Way
"As we allow the Holy Spirit to develop in us God’s character — through purging and refining - His Goodness begins to flood us and flow through us — out to others."
Developing the Character of God
"Today the Lord wants to talk about BLESSINGS — being BLESSED 24 HOURS AND 7 DAYS A WEEK — HIS WAY, GOD’S WAY!"
Atmospheric Shift & Atmospheric Change, Parts 1-3
"All we do, HAS TO BE DONE BEHIND THE VEIL OR THE SECRET PLACE — if we’re going to eternally effect the things here!"
In Search of Destiny or Just Desiring Direction, Parts 1-5
"His people are perishing for lack of wisdom and wisdom comes from our DESTINY in Him and our DESTINY will be found at His feet, as you seek His face, His will, His way."
What to do… In the Waiting, Parts 1 & 2
"What do you do when you've prayed, stood—worshiped—declared—sought the face of the Lord — the will of God - and you look upwards towards heaven and wonder, 'Lord, what about me?'"
After You've Waited - THEN the Manifestation
"This is the year the Lord is bringing about a quick work in seeds which have germinated in the ground."
The Power of the Spoken Word — and the Consequences of Our Words
"James is saying the little tongue you have — in short, can make or break you or someone else — the little tongue you have is a HUGE factor in whether you walk in God’s blessings or curses."
The Gift_Verses the Anointing
The Lord today wanting to talk about ‘gifts’ and the ‘anointing’—for one simple reason—we've allowed people to put us and our gift on a pedestal—and some of us, have put our own gifts on a pedestal.
Reality Christians - Living in a Reality World
"We have to walk in the same reality that Christ walked in and we have to become His Reality and His reality was and is FAITH not Hollywood Hype!"
Backdoor Christians - Backdoor Religion, Parts 1 & 2
"The Lord is saying I desire that you come, pursue — yes, even chase after Me and My Kingdom of Righteousness."
The Only Way to Love, Parts 1-3
"A baby nourishes on a bottle or its mother's breast — so it can grow and wax strong — so must the seed — of Agape love within us."
It Has Risen
God began to say and to express to me, just as He rose, just as He has risen—He wants us to know SO HAS OUR PROMISE RISEN!
The Spirit of Entitlement
God is saying to us ALL—that when we allow that spirit of entitlement to attach itself to us—we then began to move away from ALL He has for us!
Reigining From the Third Realm of Heaven, Part 1
We in essentially rest in HIS POSITION, IN HIS AUTHORITY—so we operated from His finished work!
Reigning From the Third Realm of Heaven, Part 2
“He is AN EVER PRESENT GOD—not just in times of trouble—but just IN TIME, NOW, RIGHT NOW, HERE, THIS DAY, THIS, HOUR, IN MY LIFE, IN YOUR LIFE!"
Reigning From the Third Realm of Heaven, Part 3
WE CEASE FROM STRIVING - and we learn to rest and abide in Him - and reign from the Third Realm - whatever needs to be done or said, MUST COME FROM THIS PERSPECTIVE AND POSITION!
Discouraged…but NEVER Defeated…Unless YOU Choose to Be! Part 1
"No spirit of discouragement or defeat can overtake the Spirit of God in you—unless YOU choose to give up, give in"
Discouraged…but NEVER Defeated…Unless YOU Choose to Be! Part 2
In this life—there WILL BE TIMES, SEASON AND MOMENTS of Discouragement...God told Joshua in Joshua 1:1—“I won’t give up on you!"
Being Empowered—Via Death In Samaria, Part 1
"is saying, and asking—have we’ve given up our all—have we’ve given it up unto death?!"
Being Empowered_Via Death in Samaria, Part 2
It is the place where in the midst of confusion and pain in and around you—it is the place where you must push through—to get to where the Lord is waiting on you—your meeting place.