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If you would like to request one of the Powerful Oils below, then use the “Add to Cart” button or log into Paypal and request one by using this email address and please include which oils and your complete mailing address: www.paypal.com email address to use is : firewalkersministry.org@gmail.com or you can go to the CONTACT page and choose OTHER and in the QUESTION/COMMENT section, specify which Powerful Oils, along with your shipping address once you have sown your seed. In advance I asked the Father and the Lord to bless you back one thousand fold in every area of your life, 3rd John:2.
The Holy Anointing Oil (Exodus 30 Holy Oil) is not a general purpose anointing oil or perfume, it is for consecration and sanctification purposes as stated in the Old Testament scripture references: Exodus 28:41, 29:7, 29:36, 30:26, 30:30, 40:9, 40:10, 40:11, 40:13, 40:14.
The Cleansing Fire Prayer Oil is made with pure, therapeutic grade essential oils of Myrrh, Hyssop, Cinnamon & Cassia in a base of organic extra virgin olive oil (first fruits) from Israel. Matthew 3:11, Hebrews 12:29, Psalms 51:7-13
In this day and age, Victory In Jesus Christ Oil, in our lives is often determined by outward signs of prosperity and a life without trials and tribulations. However, true Victory took place at the cross when Jesus died for our sins. As Jesus was preparing for this day it did not look like Victory. He was mocked, tormented, betrayed and endured great physical pain. However, Jesus surrendered His will to the Father. Luke 22:42, Luke 23:44-46, 2 Corinthians 2:14